Enjoy the pic!

*Facilitator MAS Jan10*
Last but not least, the person behind the scene, the media facilitators.

*Kakak Nikon using Canon.haha*

*Mr.President a.k.a Abg Neslo*

*Media Facililators The BEST!*
*pic by Amir DSLR*
p/s:Family day Kembara Sufi yang dihandle oleh department ana dan department CnP telah pun berlangsung dengan jayanya pada hari ini. Alhamdulillah. =D
p/s 2: Martial Art Night pictures coming soon.
p/s 3: Habiburahman El-Shirazy akan turun ke UTP untuk forum Baitul Muslim pada 17hb February 2010 bertempat di Chancellor Hall. Jejom ramai2 kita datang! =D
p/s 2: Martial Art Night pictures coming soon.
p/s 3: Habiburahman El-Shirazy akan turun ke UTP untuk forum Baitul Muslim pada 17hb February 2010 bertempat di Chancellor Hall. Jejom ramai2 kita datang! =D
kck gmbr.
macam macho jak abg neslo ko. kim salam air nestlo dgn nya waakkaka.
aku gi brunei cny..mkn sushi. jgn jeless
Ein Frenoz
February 10, 2010 at 3:39 PMhahaha.adek kdrik x di padah macho. =P
bes nya gi brune tyme cuti. ak stuck kt UTP jk nampaknya tyme cuti tk. huhu
Mohd Ridhwan bin Abdul Rahim
February 14, 2010 at 6:46 PMeh apsal pic ni!!??aduh segannnn..huuh
Bukhari Razali
February 18, 2010 at 8:32 AMhaha. dh macho dh gamba tu.ahak. gambar forum baitul muslim coming soon nanti. sabar ye. =)
Mohd Ridhwan bin Abdul Rahim
February 18, 2010 at 4:50 PM